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Fullscreen Clip Animation

Some inspiration for clip-path animations where a fullscreen image moves into a row/grid of smaller images, morphing its shape along the way.

eBay just created a shortcut for building accessible websites

Include is a Figma plugin that helps designers build more accessible digital tools from the start.

The next generation of AI for developers and Google Workspace

We’re bringing the power of generative AI to developers and businesses through Google Cloud and MakerSuite. And we’re introducing new AI-powered features in Google Workspace.

Naming colors in design systems

How language brings logic to a subjective topic

Why the Biggest Companies Don’t Invest In UI Design?*

The website user interface & user experience are crucial in attracting and retaining customers. But does UI really matter?

Back to basics: what did Bruno Munari leave for designers in “Design as art”?

Munari, almost for whole his life has balanced between art and design worlds. Are they really two separate beings? Can valuable design also be attractive? How not to lose yourself completely in the world of design?

Is your website accessible? This simple browser extension will check

Stark’s easy-to-use browser extension gives designers and web developers the tools they need to design an accessible website.

What is Progressive Disclosure? Show & Hide the Right Information

Progressive disclosure is one of the ways of reducing UI complexity and it may come in handy whenever designers want to make products less overwhelming for the end-user.

Pixel Art & Pixel Fonts: How to Work With This Timeless Design Trend

You may have noticed a lot of pixelation on the web lately. And it is by design.

23+ Amazing CSS Tools for Development and Design in 2023

In this article, we’ll explore 23+ powerful CSS tools that will take your web development game to the next level in 2023 — for free!

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