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The Role Of Design In An Increasingly Financialized Business Environment

This shift towards financialization is evident in many industries, from tech startups to established corporations, and has significant implications for designers who work in these businesses.

Shantell Sans – The new Comic Sans?

Shantell Sans mixes variable axes for Weight, Italic, Informality, and Bounce to deliver a wide array of font styles, from friendly, readable, everyday typographic workhorses to striking, high-energy, experimental styles meant especially for animation.

Could you spot a Big Mac at high speeds? DoorDash campaign puts it to the test

McDonald’s has a history of distorted ad campaigns – the latest from No Fixed Address shows the brand is not done with the technique just yet.

Fix Color Contrast: Web Accessibility for Text & UI Design

You know what’s important with type? That you can read it! And not only you, as many people as possible. This is the idea behind accessibility and having a minimum color contrast. But this also goes for UI components… which was news for me.

The disastrous mistake UX designers do in job interviews

Then, I realise that the conversation has been quite one-sided so I try to change that and say “okay, do you have any questions for me?” You reply with a short “no, I’m good.”

Data Analytics In Design: 4 Examples from Airbnb, Netflix, Amazon & Spotify

Customer data has become something of a currency, with many users consenting to this unknowingly or without concern, whilst others are a little more sceptical. But generally, people are much more likely to share their data if there is a clear exchange of value.

It’s a Product-led World

Product-led is currently the shiniest of companies’ growth strategies. And for a good reason (among others): it is shaking up the old dusty B2B world!

ILT’s Favorite Fonts of 2022

To keep the list manageable, we’ve limited it to just ten typefaces. There were many more great releases on ILT throughout 2022, that aren’t on this list, but rest assured, we’ll remind you about those in the coming weeks and months.

Fullscreen Clip Animation

Some inspiration for clip-path animations where a fullscreen image moves into a row/grid of smaller images, morphing its shape along the way.

eBay just created a shortcut for building accessible websites

Include is a Figma plugin that helps designers build more accessible digital tools from the start.

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