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Principles of spatial design

Discover the fundamentals of spatial design. Learn how to design with depth, scale, windows, and immersion, and apply best practices for creating comfortable, human-centered experiences that transform reality. Find out how you can use these spatial design principles to extend your existing app or bring a new idea to life.

New to the Photoshop API — The ActionJSON API

We are incredibly excited to announce a new feature in the Photoshop API — support for ActionJSON workflows.

A video every interaction designer should watch

In 1968, Douglas Engelbart showcased technology and presented a groundbreaking system with the transformative potential to revolutionize our world.

The Design of Apple’s Vision Pro Goggles

A look at the decisions the designers had to make

Apple Vision Pro: What UX Designers should know

This article delves into the Apple Vision Pro’s key features and its implications on UX design.

8 Tips for Shaping Product Aesthetics with UI Mood Boards

Mood boards can either be physical or digital, depending on what tools designers prefers to use. However, most people today use the latter as they’re more accessible, easy to work on collaboratively, and more affordable in the long run.

Exciting New Tools for Designers, June 2023

We’re halfway through 2023 already, and the number of incredible apps, tools, and resources for designers is mounting.

Apple announces winners of the 2023 Apple Design Awards

At WWDC23, winners are recognized for excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design  

Download the 5 new macOS Sonoma wallpapers

Download the 5 new colorful wallpapers that come pre-installed with macOS Sonoma ahead of the release of Apple’s latest operating system for its desktop and notebook computers.

Are you ready to replace your password with your face?

1Password now lets you sign into some accounts with no password at all.

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