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Fonts can die. Are we doing enough to save them?*

Fonts that fail to adapt to new technologies can quickly become outdated and fall out of use. However, beyond this, are we also limiting type diversity by only reviving certain fonts? Here are my thoughts on modern-day font revivals.

Microsoft Designer for Web

With Microsoft Designer, simply type in your ideas to get one-of-a-kind AI-powered designs & suggestions to meet your social media & digital needs. Create social posts, invitations, and more. Available as a web app, mobile versions are coming soon.

Courier magazine rolls out its “biggest refresh since launch”

Ten years and 50 issues in, the publication is embracing more experimental formats and stripping out traditional sections you might expect in print.

Canada’s controversial streaming bill just became law????????????

Critics have said that the bill could cause over-regulation online. “Under this archaic system of censorship, government gatekeepers will now have the power to control which videos, posts and other content Canadians can see online,”

Elliot Jay Stocks: I have a logo now

I had this vague sense of wanting something quite informal and signature-like to contrast with the type on my site, and despite some early sketches I did myself, I soon realised I had nowhere near the skills to turn them into something professional looking.

Collective #762

Self Aware is a website with a perky and unique design, full of delightful details that will put a smile on your face. With its well-chosen typography and pleasant color theme it’s fun and playful, while still maintaining a professional edge.

UX cheat sheet: Preview and full display

Explore the different ways you can preview and display content to make navigation easier for your users.

Jony Ive spent the past 4 years perfecting his typeface. Here’s why he’ll never be done

LoveFrom’s signature typeface is 300 years in the making. Here, Ive and his team take us inside the design for the first time, and explain what it means for the secretive studio.

There’s no such thing as being ‘too creative’ for business

4 big dos (and a couple don’ts) for starting a solo design business.

TikTok can’t get over Canva’s awesome new AI photo editing tool

Turn casual selfies into professional headshots.

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