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Project IDX: Google’s New Web and Mobile App Development IDE

Google’s Project IDX is an ‘experimental’ new developer IDE with added AI. But how is it different to other IDEs? We asked its product lead.

Why are Western apps more minimalist than Asian apps?

The digital behaviour traits of individualism and collectivism

A Coder Considers the Waning Days of the Craft

Coding has always felt to me like an endlessly deep and rich domain. Now I find myself wanting to write a eulogy for it.  

The age of UX Design is over. The time for Content Design has come.

The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.

The biggest trends in graphic design for 2024, as predicted by the creative industry

The world of graphic design is constantly evolving, with new trendsemerging all the time. And the current global turmoil is only accelerating this effect. Here, we explore eight of the most hotly anticipated trends for 2024 based on the insights of industry experts.  

Are designers happy? Our new “State of the Designer” report aims to find out

Our new report examines what it takes for designers to feel fulfilled and satisfied in their roles now that work has radically changed.  

FluentPro Project Migrator

FluentPro Project Migrator automates migration between popular project management platforms, simplifying and accelerating the process. The cloud-based solution helps to reduce migration costs and eliminate data loss risks.

10 Dark Patterns in UX Design and How to Avoid Them

Dark patterns in UX design are manipulative tactics that deceive and trick users into taking actions that primarily benefit companies, often at the expense of the user’s experience.

The Slack redesign has ruined my life. Sorry, I can’t work today.

Slack looks like a carnival of distraction and chaos — a hideous Grimace-purple rail on the left side that now tracks every “activity.” (Someone giving a thumbs up emoji to one of your posts, for example.)

Liminal design and the corporate sublime

Liminal Design is the opposite of the transactional design — different tools, courage and client interactions are required.

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