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Where I’m at on the whole CSS-Tricks thing

It was March 2022 when I sold CSS-Tricks to DigitalOcean. So it’s been just about 2 years now…

F. C. Variable: Rob en Robin create customisable illustrations inspired by variable fonts

The worlds of illustration and variable fonts collide in a new project from creative duo Rob en Robin titled F. C. Variable. In it, the pair explore how users can manipulate exported images to create customisable results.  

Yes, YouTube has a new UI. Yes, it’s terrible

“This is almost impressively bad.”

Microsoft Word’s Subtle Typeface Change Affected Millions. Did You Notice?

A change in Microsoft Word’s default typeface, from Calibri to Aptos, didn’t register for everyone, but fans of typography got excited.

Tumblr and WordPress to follow Reddit in selling user data for AI training

Automattic, which owns Tumblr and WordPress, is in talks with Midjourney and OpenAI to sell data from user posts to train artificial intelligence systems.

How my dream design job turned into a nightmare

Or why you should quit your dead-end job before it’s too late

How to Create a Memorable Logo In 2024

10 vital tips for designers and entrepreneurs

Tubi Gets a Makeover: Brand New Logo, Catchphrase and Color Scheme

The rabbit is here to stay, and you can still stream everything for free, too.

White House urges developers to dump C and C++

Biden administration calls for developers to embrace memory-safe programing languages and move away from those that cause buffer overflows and other memory access vulnerabilities.

Apple’s all new design language

Inspired by the new platform Vision Pro, are are interesting changes happening to IOS as well and i think that’s where it’s going.

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