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Discover 127 Figma Website Designs

Today Figma is a top designers’ choice with more than 4 million users and among those are big tech companies like Microsoft, X (Twitter), Dropbox, Rakuten, Stripe, Slack, GitHub, and many more.

Effortless Font Choices Made Easy

Click (Generate) to create a new font pairing, (Lock) to lock fonts that you want to keep, and (Edit) to choose a font manually. The text is editable, try replacing it with your company name or another copy.

Understanding “Baseline”: A Developer’s Guide to New Features

There’s been some chatter over the last few days about “Baseline” and I’d heard the name in passing before but I must be honest: I was pretty embarrassed to ask around because a lot of blog posts mention this thing as if it’s been kicking around forever.

Designing Interactive Elements That Keep Users Engaged

We’re looking at how and why to design interactions that compel people to play with them again and again. Plus we’re messing around with the Fidget Spinner, 2017’s breakout fidget hit.

What UI density means?

Interfaces are becoming less dense, I’m usually one to be skeptical of nostalgia and “we liked it that way” bias, but comparing websites and applications of 2024 to their 2000s-era counterparts, the spreading out of software is hard to ignore.

Rediscovering Creativity in Modern Web Design

Creativity can be freeing for web designers. There’s nothing quite like reaching that “a-ha” moment. It’s when an idea transfers from your head to a screen.

The Evolution of Keypad Design

Every time you pick up your mobile phone to make a call you’re presented with the layout below. But has it ever occurred to you to wonder why the numbers are arranged like this? Or why the calculator on your phone is arranged in the opposite direction?

The Strategic Importance of Low Fidelity Design

Designers going all-in on user-facing high fidelity visuals are abandoning their most powerful tool for influencing strategy

Essential Terms for Visual Design Explained

Visual design requires knowledge and understanding of many jargon terms. Use this glossary as a reference as you delve into visual and user interface design.

Chatbots vs. Humans: Which Do Users Really Prefer?

Customer service interactions are increasingly relying on chatbots. Most providers are exploiting new AI advancements and replacing human workforce with chatbots to reduce costs. But what is the impact of this on the user experience? And when, if ever, do users prefer interacting with a chatbot over a human?

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