Web Design stories

4 ways to become a great UI/UX designer without a degree?

Nowadays you don’t need a design degree or have any previous experience in design to become a UI/UX designer. I am a self-taught UI/UX designer with no design background.

Why mobile-first product design saves founders time and money

Minimizing the cost of your product launch or new feature release is tempting. Especially if you don’t know if the feature will be loved by your target audience or if you’ll need to change the focus of your product quickly.

Web Design and Metaverses: Visualization of Modern Reality

Previously, web design meant a beautiful arrangement of Internet pages. But this isn’t enough now: specialists use modern technologies to create a unique user experience. We have only recently started hearing about metaverses and their introduction into our lives. It was something new and unusual, but at the same time, unexplained to the average user. In today’s article, we will try to understand how the appearance of metaverses could affect…

7 Potentially Bad UI Elements That are Killing Your Website

Yet, eye-sore fashion isn’t the only thing that’s a disgrace to good design. Ill-thought-out and lacklustre websites are too. If you can believe it, the world’s worst website ever exists. There’s a lot about the website that will bother you. After all, it was built to do as much, and we come across many bad website examples on the daily.

How Facebook designed the like button—and made social media into a popularity contest

In terms of sheer impact, the like button was one of the most successful pieces of code ever shipped. But when you examine the quality of that impact, its flaws become glaring.

How do I design a landing page for an E-commerce platform?

Here is the story of designing a fictional landing page for an E-Commerce Platform having the fictional name “Arty” focused on Artwork & Handmade Items created by local artisans & independent artists across the globe.

Wellbeing-centred design

There seems to be a growing (and healthy) trend to actively question the models and methods we use as Designers. There’s also been some scepticism about the role Designers (with a capital ‘D’) play in the micro-decisions that make up our experience of the modern world.

Good UI/UX designers know most of these 7 isometric figma plugins

Isometric design is a popular direction in UI design. It’s a method of drawing/creating a three-dimensional object in two dimensions.

The peculiar case of japanese web design

While the nation is known abroad for minimalist lifestyles, their websites are oddly maximalist. The pages feature a variety of bright colours (breaking the 3 colour design principle), small images, and a lot of text. Just see for yourself with these screenshots taken in November 2022.

How To Master The Art of Design Thinking As An Amateur Graphic Designer

People starting a new career where creativity is the central tenet of their job description can often succumb to forces working against their ability to just “turn on” the creative parts in their minds. S

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