Web Design stories

Inspirational Websites Roundup #49

A thoughtfully curated collection of websites showcasing exceptional web designs.

Exciting New Tools For Designers, September 2023

At the end of another summer, we are all getting ready to knuckle down for some serious work in the fall. But we want to help you work smarter, not harder, so to that end, we’d like to present you with this latest round of exciting new tools for designers and developers.

A manifesto for moving beyond creativity

Transitioning from a designer to a design leader requires a shift in mindset, as well as the development of new skills and competencies. It requires an understanding of the unique challenges that come with managing a design team and communicating with stakeholders, as well as the ability to build a strong team culture and lead by example.

Collective #780

A futuristic interface-like design that is fun, unique and full of great details. Our pick this week.

Varying Sizes of Radio Buttons

When I was looking at what looks like the “official” online personality test for Meyers-Briggs when I was spouting off about personality tests, I noticed that their radio button choices were actually kinda cool:

A Design System Coach’s Portfolio

The standard way that the tech industry typically evaluates whether someone knows their stuff is through the all-powerful Portfolio. There are many definitions of portfolio, but generally, it means “a collection of stuff.”

Everything You Need to Know to Embrace the Y2K Design Trend

The turn of the millennium was a major cultural shift, and the Y2Kaesthetic emerged as a visualization of what the future could hold, capturing the zeitgeist of an era eager to move forward while still valuing the colorful tapestry of past decades.

3 Essential Design Trends, September 2023

Trends in website design right now are offering a bit of a glimpse into the future with elements that are part of full website aesthetics, not small changes as we’ve seen a lot of recently. From monochromatic color palettes to magazine-style layouts to a shift in the way navigation is designed, there’s a lot to digest this month.

WordPress: Introducing Twenty Twenty-Four

A brand new default theme will be featured with the next WordPress 6.4 release: Twenty Twenty-Four. The idea behind Twenty Twenty-Four is to make a default theme that can be used on any type of site, with any topic. Because of that, and contrary to past years, it has no single topic. I

Improving The Double Diamond Design Process

The so-called “Double Diamond” is a great way of visualizing an ideal design process, but it’s just not the way most companies deliver new projects or services. Andy Budd proposes a new “Double Diamond” idea that better aligns with the way work actually gets done and highlights the place where design has the most leverage.

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