UX stories

Accessibility Handoff: a guide for product designers

How to instruct developers to build accessible products

UX designers are suffering from a failure of imagination

Cultivating an ethic of imagination can help designers build a more just and empathetic world.

How I prototype to communicate, not complicate, in Figma

5 prototyping techniques to help get your message across without getting lost in the weeds.

Exciting New Tools for Designers, February 2023

This month, the AI revolution continues with tons of tools backed by AI. But that’s not all; you’ll also find business apps, marketing tools, and services to help you grow a startup. Enjoy!

A 10-point Design Critique Checklist for UX Designers

When it comes to UX Design, providing constructive feedback on UI/UX wireframes, mockups, and more can be an invaluable tool in helping teams achieve their desired goals and objectives.

Beyond Design & Development: Skills to Boost Your Career

Today, we’ll explore three skills that can help provide a boost to your career. Let’s get started!

Ageism, Netflix’s mistake, board game UX, conditional logic in Figma

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Designing Amazing UXUI for Voice Interfaces

The rise of virtual assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, as well as the increasing popularity of chatbots, has created a demand for effective and intuitive user experiences in voice and conversational interfaces.

Shortage of Interaction Design in a world obsessed with Design Systems

Unfortunately, for the majority of cases, Interaction patterns are scarce or left out in DS unless you’re Google’s Material DS or IBM’s Carbon DS. In short, there are too many DS which are heavy in Visual design, and too light on interaction guidelines.

Every designer should have this skill: Storytelling in UX

At first glance, UX design only offers a little freedom for storytelling. But that’s a misconception. After all, good stories skillfully convey ideas, captivate people, bring products or apps popularity and recognition, and are as memorable as possible.

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