UX stories

Beyond the screen: A glimpse into the future of UX

How spatial computing will change our interaction with technology

A video every interaction designer should watch

In 1968, Douglas Engelbart showcased technology and presented a groundbreaking system with the transformative potential to revolutionize our world.

Apple Vision Pro: What UX Designers should know

This article delves into the Apple Vision Pro’s key features and its implications on UX design.

8 Tips for Shaping Product Aesthetics with UI Mood Boards

Mood boards can either be physical or digital, depending on what tools designers prefers to use. However, most people today use the latter as they’re more accessible, easy to work on collaboratively, and more affordable in the long run.

Exciting New Tools for Designers, June 2023

We’re halfway through 2023 already, and the number of incredible apps, tools, and resources for designers is mounting.

The Road Through Your Screen

Scanning is vertical; immersion is horizontal.

Embracing the duality of UX and systems design

And the value of eclectic designers in creating complex designs

Collective #767

With stunning effects, interactive elements, and a design that feels tangible, the website of Wanted for Nothing delights you with wonderful effects as you scroll and hover.

Visually hidden content is a hack that needs to be resolved, not enshrined

For better and worse, we will have instances where we need to visually hide content to mitigage a gap in the visual design.

The future of macOS is people centered

A new way to think and interact with people through computers.

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