Tech stories

Adobe Wants 1,000 Photos of Bananas to Help Train its AI Image Generator

Adobe Stock has put a call out for 1,000 photos of bananas to help train its AI image generator — And the company is offering $60.

Gist AI Free website, YouTube, PDF summarizer, powered by ChatGPT

Unlimited, Free summaries of Websites, PDFs and YouTube videos in 30+ languages—no length restrictions. For added clarity, deep dive into the summary source or jump directly to key moments in YouTube videos. Save time and get more done with Gist AI.

Adobe teases new AI photo editing tool that will ‘revolutionize’ its products

Project Stardust’s new ‘object-aware editing engine’ can automatically identify and manipulate individual objects in images. A Magic Editor, but from Adobe.

Getty Images CEO Craig Peters has a plan to defend photography from AI

Getty’s entire brand is built on authenticity. CEO Craig Peters sat down with us at Code to talk about how the company is dealing with AI and disinformation.  

Cracking the YouTube Code: The Tricky Side of Suggestions

This clever system, based on machine learning, goes through a lot of data to create suggestions that match your interests.

Android 14’s AI-generated wallpapers might be its coolest new feature

Google’s AI-generated text-to-image diffusion model makes a small but fun appearance in Android 14’s wallpaper menu on the new Pixels, letting you generate backdrops by selecting different parameters.

WebWave AI – Generate websites with one click and change whatever you want

WebWave AI is here to help you turn your vision into reality. Just click the “AI website” button and experience the new era of web design. Once the site is generated, you can change everything with our drag and drop interface. AI website, your accomplishment.

Squarespace Refresh 2023

An annual release of new products, features, and updates in support of a future where everyone can be an entrepreneur. Many of the 2023 Squarespace Refresh innovations are designed to help entrepreneurs sell, and represent the biggest advancements in commerce since Squarespace launched two decades ago.

The Problem With WordPress Is Positioning, Not Plugins

Geoff explores a divide between and, shedding light on the blurred lines between open-source ideals and commercial interests. Is there any winning repositioning strategy for WordPress?

How to use the new Copilot AI in Windows 11

It’s still a bit quirky, but you can try it out now.

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