Tech stories

Web Design and Metaverses: Visualization of Modern Reality

Previously, web design meant a beautiful arrangement of Internet pages. But this isn’t enough now: specialists use modern technologies to create a unique user experience. We have only recently started hearing about metaverses and their introduction into our lives. It was something new and unusual, but at the same time, unexplained to the average user. In today’s article, we will try to understand how the appearance of metaverses could affect…

Why Adobe needs to “Figmatize” and not the other way around

The evolution of user interface in digital editing tools.

TikTok is stunned that this ‘3D’ optical illusion actually works

This optical illusion claims it can allow us to see an image in 3D – with no need for special 3D glasses.

Guess the prompt behind these AI-generated images

Behind every great AI-generated image is a great prompt. And a brand new online game lets you guess it.  

Why I gave up Pinterest & built my design library on Eagle

Many of my inspirations are stored in separate folders on Dribbble, Behance, and Pinterest, which don’t communicate with each other. Due to this, I am forced to manually download images from each of these sources into Miro.

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