Resources stories

Adobe Firefly Invite Request

Please complete this form to request access. We’ll be sending out invites gradually over time. We’ll email you instructions on how to get started once you’ve been given access.

Help Test a New Version of the Ubuntu Font

An updated version of the Ubuntu font boasting better support for non-latin languages is nearing release.

Collective #758

OKCC Labs has a fantastic design, showcasing a fusion of a vibrant main color, innovative 3D scroll animations, and sleek design elements that come together to create a truly joyful user experience.

Code to Image

Beautify your code, as only code seems to be boring

Arc’s mobile browser is here — and it’s not really a web browser at all

It’s a companion app. It’s a sidebar. It’s definitely not trying to replace mobile Safari, at least not yet.

How to Use Bing’s AI Image Generator to Make Weird Shit Like This

Bing Image Creator will make you whatever you ask it to.

The Best Free Version Control Software For 2023

If you’re a developer, you know how important it is to keep track of code changes and collaborate with your team. That’s where version control software comes in handy.

Turning 3D Models to Voxel Art with Three.js

In this detailed tutorial you will learn how to turn 3D models into voxel art with Three.js.

Redesign Tesla — How user-centered design is changing the game

In a gripping UX challenge organized by Youtuber and UX designer vaexperience, participants were tasked with improving the touchscreen interactions for the 2018 Tesla Model S. The stakes were high, as the challenge centered around one specific case involving a user named Kevin.

Producthunt without AI Products

As ProductHunt is a site that I visit daily, I decided to create this little utility to be able to have moments without AI and to be able to keep discovering incredible products that are appearing and that are not related to AI.

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