Uncut Fonts
A curated collection of high-quality free fonts you might not have seen before
A curated collection of high-quality free fonts you might not have seen before
A library of over 70 custom-color elements ready to paste into your project.
A legible monospace font… the very typeface you’ve been trained to recognize since childhood. This font is a fork of Shannon Miwa’s Comic Shanns(version 1).
A tool for creating and exporting in SVG or PNG curved point design patterns through configurable properties for graphic designers, UI/UX and other visual professionals to use in their projects.
In Snippets Studio, save code that you frequently use or want to reference later. Organize your code with custom languages and tags and sync your snippets to your iCloud-enabled devices. No need to search through old projects or browser tabs for code you need!
Upscale your images, photos, cartoons and more with AI
You can now build your own ChatGPT plugins from your own website and documents—in minutes! The best part: deploy in minutes and no coding experience necessary.
AI image generator Midjourney has launched its latest 5.2 version which has excited fans with its new “Zoom Out” feature allowing users to widen the field of view.
Stay safe with privacy tools from the makers of Firefox that protect you from hackers and companies that publish and sell your personal information. We’ll alert you of any known data breaches, find and remove your exposed info and continually watch for new exposures.
We love the website of Euphemia for its clean and slick design. It has a wonderful motif and some playful interactions. Our pick for the inspirational website of the week.