Resources stories

White House urges developers to dump C and C++

Biden administration calls for developers to embrace memory-safe programing languages and move away from those that cause buffer overflows and other memory access vulnerabilities.

Former Twitter engineers are building Particle, an AI-powered news reader

A team led by former Twitter engineers is rethinking how AI can be used to help people process news and information., which entered into private beta over the weekend, is a new startup offering a personalized, “multi-perspective” news reading experience that not only leverages AI to summarize the news, but also aims to do so in a way that fairly compensates authors and publishers — or so is the…

Cartoonifier: Create cartoon characters of yourself with AI

Ever imagined yourself and your loved ones as characters in a whimsical cartoon world? Dive into a realm of joy and transform everyday smiles into animated delight!

Making of true multi-brand design system

Building an advanced design system for true white-label products with full control over colours, typography and visual styles

Playground Color Swatches

We’ve curated a stunning collection of colors to create a user-friendly component-based system for theming and color inspiration, offering a kaleidoscope of creative possibilities…

New Version of Photoshop Lets Users Save Adjustment Layer Settings

Create and save your presets for future use or to share with other artists.

Humanizing Finance: AI-Infused Financial Brand Marketing on Social Media

The UXDA team assessed the potential of humanizing financial brands using ChatGPT and Midjourney by creating digital mascots based on the mobile service interface.

Dead Simple Sites

The most minimal sites on the web, curated in one place.  

100 Unique Website Footer Design Inspirations

Whether you’re aiming for a clean and modern aesthetic or want to inject some personality into your design, the footer is a prime opportunity to showcase your brand’s identity.

Layers – A home for designers

Layers is a design community platform built by designers for designers. Share your work, connect with other designers and build your portfolio.

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