Resources stories

Free Profile Picture Generator

Create a cute avatar from your photo. Powered by DALL-E 3. We’ll analyse your photo, describe it in words, and generate a new image from scratch.

SDXL Turbo Playground

Experience SDXL Turbo for free: Real-time, high-quality image generation using ADD technology. Generate detailed 512×512 images fast and free at Ideal for gaming, VR, and content creation, with easy, login-free access.

Typography essentials

How to get ahead of 99% of UI designers? Honor your typography skills!

New Font Foundry from Uruguay

Reset is a new independent type studio from Montevideo, Uruguay. – Text prompt to SVG illustration

Discover the power of AI with our Free Text-to-SVG Generator! Effortlessly convert your text prompts into stunning SVG images. Coming features: – New models – Categories – Multiple results from all categories

What can designers learn from Disney’s 12 principles of animation?

Disney’s 12 principles of animation might be some of the most influential tenets in the history of design. Here, Connective3’s Lucy Selley boils them down to 4 lessons for modern designers.

How PhotoRoom helps designers focus on the fun parts of the creative process

Using an AI trained with paid-for creative work, the AI photo editor aims to reduce time spent trawling stock image sites, and image cropping and cutting, so creatives can prioritise ideation and experimentation.

“An accessible website won’t be beautiful”… really?!

Fortunately, accessibility has been discussed a lot lately, but evidently, some biases and myths are still to be debunked.

A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023

We’re living in somewhat of a CSS renaissance with new features, techniques, experiments, and ideas coming at us to an extent we haven’t seen since “CSS3”. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when your profession seems to be advancing at breakneck speed, but it’s just as easy to be excited and inspired by what’s possible today that wasn’t even one year ago. While the complexity of CSS seems to be an…

3 Essential Design Trends, December 2023

While we love the holidays, too much of a seasonal theme can get overwhelming. Thankfully, these design trends strike a nice balance.

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