Design stories

How to Measure an Aesthetic Value

Imagine — you have two illustrations with the same meaning but different style at your disposal and you have to decide which one is better. How would you do it? Do you decide by yourself or by user’s opinion? And even if you include users in the process, how would you interpret their decisions?

5 Reasons, 3 Principles and 7 Tips of Using Wireframes in Web Development

A wireframe in web design is a schematic structure of a future page or screen. Usually, web designers use only one color and its shades to implement it. At the same time, details such as images and text are absent. Below we propose to understand the need for wireframes, as well as the principles and tips for their use.

Design Takes Time

Defining the identity of iA Presenter next to iA Writer was a three-year process that went hand-in-hand with the UI development. Design takes time. Here is how it went, what we learned, how far we got, and what you get in return.

dddepth – Collection of AI generated abstract 3D shapes

A Curated Collection of AI-generated Abstract 3D Shapes

Optimizing Your Design Workflow With Tools

There are many ways of working on a computer — but some are faster than others. And for us designers, every second saved by working faster is that much more time to do the things that we love. In this article, Ashish Bogawat shares some of his favorite ways how to boost productivity and do things faster by using efficient tools and workflows.

One Year of Creative Cloud Plugin Showcases

Exactly one year ago in December 2021, Thomas Zagler’s Action Browser 2was our first Adobe Creative Cloud Plugin Showcase. Since then, we’ve come a long way: we have reached a milestone of 50 plugins showcased, live on our page! Plus, we published all of our three-minute demos on the official Adobe Creative Cloud Youtube channel with 1.2 million subscribers(!).

Redesigning a breaking Twitter

As Elon Musk burns down the Twitter we know, will a drastically different user experience emerge from the ashes?

Appshots – Brew up something new from an extensive library of app shots

Appshots is a curated collection of the best design patterns found across mobile apps. With thousands of screenshots (of iOS apps) categorized and organized by app, you can easily find the best pattern for your next project. Currently it’s limited to iOS apps. Android and web apps are on the way.

ArtStation artists stage mass protest against AI-generated artwork

On Tuesday, members of the online community ArtStation began widely protesting AI-generated artwork by placing “No AI Art” images in their portfolios. By Wednesday, the protest images dominated ArtStation’s trending page. The artists seek to criticize the presence of AI-generated work on ArtStation and to potentially disrupt future AI models trained using artwork found on the site.

Why KIA’s confusing logo is part of a growing design trend

Kia has a logo problem: namely, that people can’t quite read it. The recent revelation that the company’s new logo causes 30,000 people a month to Google “KN car” sent the design world into a minor tizzy, resulting in a number of proposals to “fix” the logo by restoring the missing crossbar to its “A.” This unimaginative, too-literal approach

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