Design stories

Fonts on Tape

A fun way to showcase fonts

Design your AI Art Generator Prompt Using ChatGPT

A short guide on how to use ChatGPT to elaborate your text prompts

What The Verge’s website redesign tells us about the future of media

The Verge has a new website design that rethinks the experience of news readers. What does this move say about the state of news media?

Design deserves more respect

The quest for worthiness in the name of the world’s most universal form of communication

Taking The Stress Out Of Design System Management

In this article, Masha goes over five tips that make it easier to manage a design system while increasing its effectiveness. This short guide is aimed at smaller teams.

10 beginning design principles for a user-led startup

Design principles are guidelines that designers follow to create aesthetically pleasing and functional designs. These principles can be applied to a wide range of design disciplines, including graphic design, interior design, architecture, and product design. Some common design principles include balance, contrast, hierarchy, unity, and simplicity.

Web Design Museum – Discover Forgotten Trends in Web Design

Web Design Museum exhibits over 2,000 carefully selected and sorted web sites that show web design trends between the years 1991 and 2006.

App Design Inspiration — #88

App design is no easy feat, but these hand-picked works by leading UIand app designers provide the perfect source of creative inspiration. Let their remarkable mobile and web designs be your guide!

Brilliant road safety ad drives the internet wild

Currently going wild on Reddit, the ads depict close-up shots of people wearing seatbelts. Adorning their chests is their date of birth and, presumably, death – with the latter covered by the seatbelt. Because it saved their life, of course! (Looking for more inspiration? Check out the best print ads of all time.)

An open letter to all designers who are afraid of being replaced by an AI

AI is here. What will it bring? Is it the end of the design field? I can only tell you one thing: don’t be afraid.

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