Hexagon Pattern Generator
Generate beautiful patterns based on the symmetry of six
Generate beautiful patterns based on the symmetry of six
There seems to be a growing (and healthy) trend to actively question the models and methods we use as Designers. There’s also been some scepticism about the role Designers (with a capital ‘D’) play in the micro-decisions that make up our experience of the modern world.
Icons are a crucial part of any design system or product experience. Icons help us quickly navigate. They are language-independent. And best of all: they’re real tiny, so they don’t take up very much real estate. Icons are a fundamental part of a good design syste
We spend a lot of time in design school studying the history of our profession and digging into the portfolios of successful designers from the past. The people that defined and shaped the early design landscape.
Many of my inspirations are stored in separate folders on Dribbble, Behance, and Pinterest, which don’t communicate with each other. Due to this, I am forced to manually download images from each of these sources into Miro.
Visual delight is in itself a crucial part of gamification — without it, gamification can feel watered down. Just some food for thought.
This month, a distinctly medieval aesthetic permeates some of the designs. You’ll find plenty of rebellion in fonts that break the rules for fun. And as always, we’ve included some excellent practical options. Enjoy!
We take for granted that most users are familiar with common icons, such as a cog meaning settings, or a bell meaning notifications. However, the chances are that we’re going to need to make some custom icons that are specific to our industry or product, and we can’t expect a user to immediately recognise what they mean.
Being a product designer is kind of like being a jack of all trades — you are expected to do a variety of things and sometimes it’s even hard to jot down what skills you should be focusing on. If you’re thinking about that and how you can improve yourself you’re already making progress. No one is perfect, we should all strive to learn and improve our skills.
“Logomania is over,” declared Teo Van den Broeke, British GQ’s style and grooming director, in the Financial Times earlier last month. He was referring to the unfortunate fashion world trend of plastering every square inch of articles of clothing with designer logos, and sugges