Business stories

Stack Overflow lays off over 100 people as the AI coding boom continues

Stack Overflow has laid off 28 percent of its staff over a year after doubling its employee base in a massive hiring push.  

How I Became a Senior UX Content Designer

Lessons I learned about measuring my impact and building trust on the way to a promotion.

2023 Design Collaboration Report

Our survey findings can be useful for solo designers, members of design teams and creative executives. You can use them as a reference to analyze your collaboration skills and patterns, assess and base team workflow, find existing and potential bottlenecks and improve the quality of teamwork.

Designing an Intuitive Mobile Dashboard UI: 4 Best Practices

Use these tips for navigation, tables and charts, button UX, and interactivity to create a smooth mobile dashboard experience that will keep users coming back.

Where do product designers get inspiration?

You will find the list when you scroll down.

Artists are concerned about Adobe Illustrator’s new AI features

“They’ve created a way to stop Adobe Illustrator users creating things in Adobe Illustrator.”

Adobe released a super icon to combat misinformation. It may just confuse things more

A new ‘icon of transparency’ is here to certify real images and brands from forgeries and AI creations. It has high-profile partners and corporate buy-in—but also a slew of challenges.

The future of work is optimization

Work from home or work from the office is a red flag. Here’s what to focus on instead.

The negative impact of persuasive design

Why the discussion around the detrimental impact on the user and the environment is non-existent.

We’re turning designers into factory workers

Considering the availability of modern tools and recent advancements in governance (design systems), one might think designers could relax and enjoy some leisure time. Surprisingly, that’s not the case. In fact, it feels like designers have even less time than before. As we’re frantically pushing towards an auto-governed future, we ought to stop and think about our purpose as designers.

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