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How Figma Designed a Visually Striking Config Conference

Every year, our Brand Studio team faces an exciting challenge: creating a visual language for Config, Figma’s annual user conference. The goal? Develop a visual identity that feels like a distinctive, standalone experience while staying true to Figma’s overall brand. This experience needs to resonate with an audience of thousands of designers, developers, and product teams who join us in person and tune in virtually. It’s not just about the marquee…

Mindful time tracking

Balance is a slightly different time management tool. It requires you to manually clock on and off and urges you to take breaks, which may help you develop a better work/life balance.

Tech Trends vs. User Expectations in Digital Banking

What would an iPhone look like if one of the banks designed it? The modern banking executive faces a pervasive challenge: how to innovate effectively in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. They are increasingly drawn to the allure of cutting-edge technologies─from AI and blockchain integration to cloud-based infrastructure and open banking APIs. However, when creating digital financial products and services, this tech-driven focus might overlook the essential component of the…

The Role of Personality in User Experience

This article explores more practical strategies and best practices for designing with personality in mind. We’ll cover key approaches to personality-based design, specific practices for each of the Big Five personality traits, case studies of successful implementations, and challenges to consider in this exciting field. We’ll also introduce the concept of “personalityzation” — a specific approach to adapting user interfaces based on personality traits.

Preparing for Real-Time Applications in Avalanche Safety

Launching a greenfield application or rolling out a new feature can be like going out into the wilderness: you can never quite be sure what is waiting for you out there (bears, falling rocks …or an avalanche?) With distributed systems, you can face many common problems, and a little awareness and preparedness could be what keeps your service alive! Today, I’d like to talk about one such problem: the thundering herd…

Did Figma Just Replace Design Concepting?

Professionals across various industries have historically relied on concepts to communicate and sell ideas. Concepts are very common in advertising, branding, marketing, graphic design, fashion, architecture, and many more creative fields. It all comes down to the human brain’s innate attraction to narrative and metaphor and how we can leverage this to push ideas forward.

CSS Embraces Inline Conditionals: A New Era

The accepted proposal is a green light for the CSSWG to work on the idea with the intent of circulating a draft specification for further input and considerations en route to, hopefully, become a recommended CSS feature. So, it’s gonna be a hot minute before any of this is baked, that is, if it gets fully baked.

The potential of design in leadership

Design is about understanding and solving user problems. It’s about making experiences simple, accessible, and easy to use. Google states that if we “Focus on the user, and all else will follow.”

Innovating Design with Personalized Tech

The innovative mirrored glass works seamlessly to unite traditional craftsmanship with generative algorithms. Each is inspired by a name, word, or phrase that Grasser translates through code, which ultimately determines the piece’s arrangement of shapes and colors responsible for developing a personal narrative.

Laravel Not Your Style? Try These 10 Frameworks

In this article, we will explore 10 great alternatives to Laravel, each with its own unique strengths and features. Whether you’re looking for something lightweight, highly customizable, or built for high performance, I believe there’s an option here for you.

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