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How AI Summarizes Customer Sentiments

Review insights are aggregated sentiment scores that provide a quick overview of topics using facial icons  — positive, neutral, and critical — displayed above a business’s reviews. Yelp users can click specific topics to read related reviews that focus on those aspects of the business, such as what customers are saying about the food or service.

Recreating Graphics with CSS

This is a rough transcription based on my notes for the sharing session I presented at the online Groove meetup in June. I’ve shared the slides before, but I think it’s worth putting the content in writing.

React 19 is now stable!

In our React 19 Upgrade Guide, we shared step-by-step instructions for upgrading your app to React 19. In this post, we’ll give an overview of the new features in React 19, and how you can adopt them.

CSS Properties to Make Hyperlinks More Attractive

Hyperlinks don’t always get the attention they deserve from web designers. Sure, we might make a few tweaks. However, we don’t always go the extra mile to make them stand out.

30 Most Exciting New Tools For Designers, December 2024

It is clear that, with or without AI, the things designers and developers find most useful haven’t fundamentally changed: good quality design resources to make good work; productivity tools to get that work done faster; and business helpers to get the job in the first place, and get paid for it while maybe having a little fun along the way.

Designing for Cognitive Success

These core functions support higher-order executive functions like reasoning, problem-solving, and planning. In this analysis, we focus primarily on the three core functions, as these represent the foundational cognitive processes underlying how people interact with technology.

Revolutionizing Automotive UX with AI/ML Integration

As I delve deeper into understanding the capabilities and limitations of Artificial Intelligence, I see an opportunity for AI/ML to improve an existing flow in the Automotive industry.

The GPT Era Is Already Ending

This week, OpenAI launched what its chief executive, Sam Altman, called “the smartest model in the world”—a generative-AI program whose capabilities are supposedly far greater, and more closely approximate how humans think, than those of any such software preceding it. The start-up has been building toward this moment since September 12, a day that, in OpenAI’s telling, set the world on a new path toward superintelligence.

How To Use Dynamic Content For High-performing Holiday Email Marketing

Around 75% of consumers lean into the email channel for both promotional and transactional updates from brands.

Understanding Hierarchy in Design

Visual hierarchy plays an important role in creating designs that are not just beautiful but also functional. Without the right balance of size, color, and spacing, a design will become cluttered, confusing, and chaotic.

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