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How to add Content Credentials to an image in Photoshop

Content Credentials allows creators to attach information to their content, including the name of the artist, the program used to create the piece, any edits or processes used and assets included in the final image. It also marks images that have been generated using AI tools.

Design Tokens 102

A beginners guide to understanding design tokens

Celebrate Kindness Through The Medium of Typography

Fight for Kindness, designed to mark World Kindness Day, celebrated annually on November 13, provides an antidote by highlighting kindness in all its dimensions and forms through typography.

Google spent $26 billion to hide this phone setting from you

There’s a setting on your phone and web browser that Google is desperate to keep you from discovering. How desperate? In 2021 alone, Google paid Apple, Samsung and others $26.3 billion to keep it buried.

WordPress Playground: From 5-Minute Install To Instant Spin-Up

WordPress Playground began as an experiment to see what a self-hosted WordPress experience might look like without the requirement of having to actually install WordPress. A year later, the experiment has evolved into a full-fledged project that not only abstracts installation but opens up WordPress to a slew of new opportunities. Ganesh Dahal demonstrates how WordPress Playground works and gets deep into how it might be used.

You Can Now See How Much RAM a Chrome Tab Is Using

All those tabs you swear you’ll get to are actually hogging a lot of memory.    

A history of the Samsung logo

We trace the history of the Samsung logo, from its beginnings in 1930s Korea to the global fame it enjoys today.

New platform launches to help web designers navigate accessibility guidelines

The website is intended to offer web designers and developers clear instructions to make websites accessible for as many people as possible.

Figma CEO Dylan Field on AI Tools, Adobe Deal, and the Future of Design

Field is excited about the potential of AI-powered tools to automate tasks, provide feedback, and generate ideas.

Sony Music has a new logo, Deezer and SiriusXM have a brandwank

Sony Music, Deezer and SiriusXM have all unveiled new logos. Sony’s delves into its brand heritage, Deezer’s aims to “recharge people’s emotional connection to the brand”, and SiriusXM’s “gives a nod to the service’s consumer value proposition”

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