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Interop 2022: end of year update

We’ve reached the end of another year, and it’s time to look at the improvements made by browsers as we work together to improve the interoperability of the web platform. You can check out how things started in our post in March this year, as the initiative was launched.

Blocs 5.0 – The ultimate Mac website builder

Blocs for the Mac, is fast, intuitive and powerful visual web design software, that lets you create responsive websites without writing code.

The best UX Design Books 2023

A collection of the best UX, UI and product design books. Updated for 2023.

10 beginning design principles for a user-led startup

Design principles are guidelines that designers follow to create aesthetically pleasing and functional designs. These principles can be applied to a wide range of design disciplines, including graphic design, interior design, architecture, and product design. Some common design principles include balance, contrast, hierarchy, unity, and simplicity.

Web Design Museum – Discover Forgotten Trends in Web Design

Web Design Museum exhibits over 2,000 carefully selected and sorted web sites that show web design trends between the years 1991 and 2006.

Shader effects

Shader effects applied to typography and infinite scrolling

AI Inspired Web Design is INSANE! – Fast Tutorial

Today, I’m going to show you some awesome AI generated layouts, and also how to use AI as a tool for inspiration when creating UI/UX.

Deceptive Patterns in UX Design

Have you ever clicked on a link or button, only to be taken to a completely different page than the one you expected? Or maybe you’ve encountered a “discount” that turned out to have a bunch of hidden fees attached to it? These are just a few examples of deceptive patterns in UX design, and they’re all too common in the digital world.

AI Code Reviewer – AI reviews your code

AI reviews your code. If there is something wrong with your code, AI will let you know. If you have any questions, you can also ask the AI directly from the button in the lower right corner. Get the best code!

How to set up your grids for mobile and web designs

Let’s first break down the basic terms of the grid system – memorize them. I’m using the 8-pt grid to align all my elements and build my grids. What it means is that all spacing and margin values are increments of 8. The same thing applies to your user interface components and elements dimensions.

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