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GradienMood – Generate gradients with your mood

GradienMood is a tool to generate gradients from your mood. Simply enter your mood (ex- Happy and funny world) and the AI magic will generate a CSS gradient for you.

Mobile UX: Study Guide

Unsure where to start? Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn how to write and present information that aligns with users’ needs and online behaviors.

Instagram, Spotify, and other modern logos get a 1980s makeover

From drop shadows to Memphis design motifs, these retro logos will inevitably take you back to the ‘Blade Runner’ decade.

I Have Nothing but respect for Whitney Houston’s new branding

This visual identity is sleek yet playful.

Collective #747

A beautiful design with an amazing background video animation on scroll. Our pick this week.

Personalized experiences: When do they become behaviour change?

Designers are often trying to personalise experiences. However, can too much personalization lead to side effects? Can it lead to behaviour change?

What is Design System Theming? [+ 4 Use Cases]

Building a design system is expensive. Whether an organization develops from scratch or adopts an open-source design system, theming is crucial for customization. This customization could be as simple as creating a dark mode or a multi-brand design system to accommodate a product suite.

User onboarding: best practices

Simple rules that will help you design a streamlined first-time users experience

Design-Pattern Guidelines: Study Guide

Unsure how to design and implement user-interface patterns? Use this collection of links to our content about specific patterns.

Apple Business Connect – Put your business on the map

Apple Business Connect makes it easy for customers to find businesses using Apple Maps. Create a place card that is accessible to everyone who uses Apple devices and built-in apps — with directions, contact information, and actions built right in.

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