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Hex Colors Aren’t Great At Anything Except Being Popular

You know what else is unused? Color formats that have just as good of browser support as 6 and 3-digit hex.

TailGrids 2.0

TailGrids is a handcrafted library of Tailwind CSS UI components, blocks, and templates. A vast collection of 500+ free & premium Tailwind UI components from various categories to make building frontend website UI easier by simply copying and pasting snippets.

Introducing Webflow Labs

A new innovation lab within Webflow focused on big ideas beyond our core product.

Buffer for Mastodon

Plan and schedule posts to Mastodon with Buffer’s newest integration. Manage your hashtags, save content ideas, schedule posts at the optimal time, and cross-post to Twitter and your other favorite networks.

Google is reportedly testing an alternate home page with ChatGPT-style Q&A prompts

Google is scrambling to respond to the threat of OpenAI’s ChatGPT by augmenting its search engine with capabilities similar to the AI chatbot.

The future of design systems is complicated

We talked to several industry experts about how they’re managing the future of design systems—from tooling to automation to accessibility.

What I learned by ditching Gmail for six months

How a Gmail glitch forced me to try a radically different email option—and gave me new insight into the best ways to choose productivity tools.

15 Best New Fonts, January 2023

Your choice of typeface significantly impacts the tone of voice your designs adopt. Heritage, ambition, freshness, energy, utility and more can all be communicated with the right font. And so, every month, we put together this roundup of the 15 best new fonts we’ve found on the web in the previous four weeks. Enjoy!

When good is no longer good enough

It wasn’t long ago I’d see a 3D rendering or piece of highly detailed art and feel blown away.

Best Practices for Designing Empty State in Applications

An empty state refers to the state of an application where the user interface (UI) does not have any content or data to display. This can happen when a user first time opens an app or website, performs a search that returns no results, or something goes wrong when the user is interacting with UI.

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