The history of the USPS Love stamp
USPS issued the first Love stamp 50 years ago. Since then, it has become one of the service’s longest-standing and most beloved traditions.
USPS issued the first Love stamp 50 years ago. Since then, it has become one of the service’s longest-standing and most beloved traditions.
On the desktop, there are new drop-down menus that appear when you hover over the categories in the top menu bar, including Store, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Watch, AirPods, TV & Home, Entertainment, Accessories, Support, Search, and Bag. The new Entertainment category replaces “Only on Apple” and continues to highlight Apple’s services.
How IBM considered frogs as a non-human stakeholder in the design of a citizen science app.
EnvatoMarket has a consumer rating of 1.13 stars from 238 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Consumers complaining about EnvatoMarket most frequently mention customer service, wordpress theme and credit card problems…
We are a generation obsessed with getting things done. How could we not be, with all the internet has to offer us?
It’s actually not the first design that Ive has made for the king.
The company reportedly plans to integrate its Prometheus model and productivity apps.
Dancing Baby, also known as “Baby Cha-Cha” or Oogachack Baby was one of the first viral internet memes back in 1996.
It involves onboarding the users to start using the product and can consist of various steps like verifying the contact details and prompts to explain the product features. Ideally efficient and effective onboarding without any frustrations to the users.
You can’t have a white favicon, because, in a lot of situations, you won’t be able to see the dang thing at all. Here’s a default Chrome tab while macOS is in Light mode.