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Google, not OpenAI, has the most to gain from generative AI

While OpenAI has captured the public’s imagination with ChatGPT, ultimately the technology may not change the balance of power among the tech giants.

CLI Productivity Tool Powered by OpenAI

A command-line interface productivity tool for developers powered by OpenAI’s Chat GPT-3, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently. Forget about cheat sheets and notes, with this tool you can get answers right in your terminal.

Why the Pink Floyd logo drama is ridiculous

Pink Floyd recently released a new version of its iconic logo to celebrate its 50 year anniversary. Though some of the elements had been redesigned, irate folk on social media got cross about one ‘change’ in particular – and it was a part of the logo that had always been there.

YouTube glitch used to trick users into believing there was an undiscovered oldest video

“Me at the zoo” is still the oldest YouTube video but someone certainly had people thinking otherwise.

Collective #749

With its amazing background animation and sharp typography, Crosswire will capture any designer’s heart.

Building Products Blind Vol.1 — Data Disrespect

This series of articles will cover the common trends I’ve seen in companies that I’ve worked on. These companies typically contain at least one of the following attributes…

6 Design Culture Examples and How to Create Your Own

Creating a good design culture starts with understanding user needs, encouraging collaboration between departments, experimenting with new ideas, investing in the right tools, and developing design team rituals.

Psychology in Interface Design: 20 Laws of UX

Laws and principles of UX are tools and recommendations that might help a designer create more convenient and user-oriented interfaces.

How I made the pivot into UX: start where you are

I started with user interviews, and broke the script up into three sections: what employees liked about the current space, what their hopes and aspirations were for the new space, and what made them excited about ThoughtWorks in general.

16 Common UX Fails You Must Avoid

In this article, we’re going to talk about the top 16 UX fails that can happen and how to avoid them like a pro.

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