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WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet

Take notes on websites. Features: – Attach notes to specific websites or match multiple URLs with regex. – Sync notes across all devices. – Organize notes with tags and folders. – Privacy focused.

Can design thinking be used to improve the experience of using a terrace?

The purpose of this project was to understand the core needs and problems of the users, so as to come up with solutions which can have an impact on the users as well as businesses.

UX Must Follow

Curated by Arvin Dizon & Designed by Manuel Ogomigo. Follow them for design goodness, insightful tips, and a little bit of UX fun!

Collaboration Secrets: Design X Engineering

At Spotify, we have a five-step process that allows different disciplines to align and get stuff done. We call it “The Scale” and it’s basically a remake of the classic design thinking framework.

Case Study: ProAgenda. Identity and Website Design

The article unveils the process of identity redesign and website design for ProAgenda, a platform that helps golf professionals retain clients and build an online client database.  

Building Future-Proof High-Performance Websites With Astro Islands And Headless CMS

Let’s see how to achieve phenomenal web performance and great developer experience with Astro and a headless CMS, resulting in the best possible experience for users, developers and content creators alike.  

CSS Animation Libraries: 10 Popular Choices

By using a library, you can save time and effort that would otherwise be spent coding animations by hand. In this article, we’re going to cover the best (most popular) CSS animation libraries and frameworks.

My Top Takeaways from Working at Meta (ex-Facebook)

One of the things I loved most about working at Meta was the creative freedom I had. The company’s robust design system provided a foundation for me to experiment with and explore different ideas.

Three Free Fonts

A brief post today to introduce you to three quality free fonts.

Collective #753

MANA’s website is an excellent example of how to effectively present a product, as its playful animations and interactive features make for an enjoyable browsing experience – making it our top pick of the week!

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