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Codrops Collective

Happy Thursday, hope you are having an amazing week! We’ve got a packed edition so let’s get reading!

Blending Photography With Graphics: A Designer’s Guide to Mixed Media

Mixed media design is one of the most popular trends in graphic design that combines reality with creativity to birth visuals that not only stand out but also tell captivating stories.

Design like Apple

Over the past two decades I’ve been hearing people I’ve worked with and in the product community — other designers and PMs, clients when I ran an agency, founders and CEOs — saying they want designers to “design like Apple”. The problem has always been a chicken-and-egg one: to design like Apple, you need to prioritize simplicity in all parts of your organization (like Apple).

Responsive Tables & Readable Paragraphs

I have this habit where when I’m watching a TV show where I like to read about it on my phone while I’m watching it. Reviews, summaries, fan theories, whatever. Seems like that would be distracting — but I think it’s extra engaging sometimes. I’d often end up on Wikipedia where they do episode informational summaries in a particular layout where the small screen layout had a horribly obnoxious side…

Ant Design X 1.0 is out

Ant Design X is a brand new AGI component library from Ant Design, designed to help developers more easily develop AI product user interfaces. Building on Ant Design, Ant Design X further expands the design specifications for AI products, offering developers more powerful tools and resources. We look forward to driving the development of AI technology with you!

Reflecting on a Decade in Product Design

I’ve been talking to a lot of junior designers lately. After one of these chats, I reflected on how my career evolved. Interestingly, I couldn’t say I was much different from today’s junior designers. What’s different today compared to a decade ago is the environment. The job market has changed for the worse, and design tools have bloomed.

Progress Bar Design Best Practices

Practical recommendations along with tutorials for Figma that will help you design the best progress bar for your product.

CSS Hover Effects: 40 Engaging Animations To Try

Don’t come for my head, but I think it’s safe to say that static websites are officially a thing of the past. People nowadays expect some level of interactivity when they visit websites. One of the ways you can keep them engaged is by adding hover animations to your websites.

How underperforming UX may be affecting your customer churn rate

Customer churn becomes most noticeable during dramatic events – consistent negative reviews, sudden user drop-offs, significant spikes in bounce rates or, the more obvious, plummeting revenue. Whilst these dramatic usability failures and system outages immediately demand attention, subtle UX issues that slowly erode user engagement can also play a damaging role in an organisation’s troubles.

How to Draw Basic Paths with SVG

Once we covered basic shapes, it’s time to move on to the path element. The path is the most powerful SVG element. We can define pretty much anything with paths and if you open any SVG file, you will mostly see paths.

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