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New digital archive provides invaluable insights into the evolution of Canadian type

Even if you love typography, your view of it may be blinkered by geographic and historical filters. This new project provides a glimpse into Canadian type history from 1752-1985… and that’s just the start.  

Coca-Cola embraces controversial AI image generator with new “Y3000” flavor

Coca-Cola has taken a fizzy leap into the future of AI hype with the release of Coca‑Cola Y3000 Zero Sugar, a “limited-edition” beverage reportedly co-created with artificial intelligence. Its futuristic name evokes flavor in the year 3000 (still 977 years away), but its marketing relies on AI-generated imagery from 2023—courtesy of the controversial image synthesis model Stable Diffusion.

Slingshot’s playful new app lets you ‘sling’ quick photos to friends

A clever new app called Slingshot is combining the serendipity of BeReal snaps with the friends-only photo sharing popularized by apps like Snapchat. But while the app’s inspirations are familiar, the way you interact with Slingshot offers something unique.

CapCut: Free Online Photo Editor

Want to create appealing graphic designs to market your business or increase social streams? Explore CapCut’s AI-powered free photo editor and start with free ready-to-use templates.

Adobe’s Firefly generative AI tools are now widely available

Firefly-powered features like Photoshop’s Generative Fill tool are now out of beta. Adobe is also introducing a new bonus scheme to pay its stock contributors for helping to train its AI models.

Design for meaningful outcomes

Aim for quality outcomes, not just outputs — that’s how we can drive customer and business value!

Grid Item Hover Effect

Three hover effects based on a grid design by Alena Orlova.

6 web design styles that are uniquely Japan

When browsing for web design inspiration from Japan with the web design galleries that I previously introduced, I found a few design characteristics that are truly unique in Japan and not commonly seen in English-based website. Without further ado, let’s dive into it.

Inside Adobe’s strategy to rule generative AI

Adobe made the decision to not be first in the AI race, but that puts a lot of pressure on it to be the best.

Grocery UX: Dynamically Update the “Add to Cart” Button

During Baymard’s large-scale grocery testing, as participants explored different food categories and added products to the cart, they would sometimes lose track of what they had already added to the cart. As a result, users in the product list will be forced to visit the cartagain and again in order to confirm items that have been added, adding significantly to the time it takes to complete the order, and introducing the…

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