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Reimagining CSS Masonry

The Chrome team believes that masonry should be a separate layout method, defined using display: masonry (or another keyword should a better name be decided upon). Later in this post, you can see some examples of what that could look like in code.

Quick Color Palette Generator

Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes.

AI-Powered Design Patterns on the Rise

How Generative AI advances are helping shape the future of feature design, from enhancing content interaction to more informed decision-making

Integrating Neuroscience into UX: Color and Shape Design

When it comes to designing a website, the choices of color and shape aren’t just about aesthetics—they’re about creating an environment that guides user behavior and evokes feelings.

Mastering the Art of UX Design Differentiation in 2024

In 2024, the field of UX design is more competitive than ever. With a market saturated with talent, it becomes imperative for each designer to distinguish themselves not only by their skills but also by their approach. In this article, we will explore innovative and sometimes unexpected strategies to stand out as a UX Designer.

Framer’s Masking & Workflow Upgrades: What’s New?

Framer’s update empowers designers with a new masking feature for creative effects. Layers can be masked with gradients or images, and stacked for intricate layouts. Improved collaboration and workflow refinements further streamline the design process.

Rethinking Design Pricing: Strategies for Fair Compensation

Choosing between flat and hourly rates involves weighing various pros and cons, which can differ significantly across design disciplines. Opting for a flat rate, however, usually reflects a high degree of trust and professionalism, attracting clients who value and are willing to invest in quality and certainty.

Transforming Design Practices

Imagine a design team that takes months to perfect a product’s user interface without user feedback. They’ve put in a lot of time, effort and resources. Then, they discover a shift in the market’s needs. Their design, now outdated, needs major changes.

Enhancing Styling Flexibility

While the CSS :has() pseudo-class is widely celebrated for its ability to select a parent element up the chain conditionally based on its contents, there is more conditional logic it is capable of handling when we move it up the chain, so to speak. Amit Sheen demonstrates using :has() to apply styles conditionally when a certain <option> in a <select> element is chosen by the user and how we gain even more conditional styling capabilities when chaining :has() with other…

Improving JavaScript Speed and Responsiveness

JavaScript is a versatile and powerful language used for building interactive web applications. However, as applications grow in complexity, it’s important to optimize the performance of your JavaScript code to ensure a smooth and responsive user experience. In this blog post, we will discuss some best practices for optimizing performance in JavaScript

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