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What is our design intention?

Tech’s not-so-perfect outcomes: Let’s design a brighter tomorrow.

Shutterstock Launches AI-Generated Art Contest With The United Nations

Shutterstock is inciting creatives to paint the future, one prompt at a time, in a collaboration with the United Nations International Telecommunication Union (ITU)’s AI for Good initiative involving an intriguing challenge: the Canvas of the Future.

Where have all the websites gone?

I know I sound like an old man when I go on and on about RSS, but really, it’s sitting right there and is apparently what a lot of people miss.

Herman Miller – Identity Guidelines

The identity guidelines serve as the definitive source of truth—a rubric by which we gauge the success of everything we make (from furniture to campaign ads to retail catalogs), everywhere we show up (from brick-and-mortar showrooms to digital experiences to exhibition wall copy).  

Why Adobe is frustrating web designers

A history of Adobe’s complicated relationship with the web.

Five Future Roles for Designers

Last Tuesday was the first class of my systems course. As I did last year, I asked students to envision their jobs twenty-five years from now. What will their work look like in 2049? What will they be doing? Not in vague platitudes: I wanted to know specifics.

Bit by bit: how Play designed a fresh and fitting identity for OpenAI’s first DevDay conference

When OpenAI decided to host its very first DevDay – a one-day conference for hundreds of developers from around the globe – it began looking for an identity that would capture not just the forward-looking spirit of the company, but also this new venture that creates a space for a diverse pool of ta…

How we made the Wonka movie typography

We caught up with Vernon to discuss the creation of the wordmark, and how it was inspired by Victorian style typography and involved frequent collabration with the studio.

These are the most hearted Pens of 2023

These are the most hearted Pens of 2023. Remember that you can heart a Pen up to three times. The number itself is how many people hearted the Pen, but the ranking takes into account heart-levels as well.

CSS-only loader configurators

LoaderShip is the ultimate CSS-only loader configuration tool that allows you to effortlessly customize and generate stunning loaders for your website. Simply Copy & Paste without any installation or dependency hassle.

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