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Designing with Integrity: The Ethical Designer’s Handbook on Dark Patterns

These deceptive design tactics, intended to manipulate users into actions they may not have intended, pose a significant ethical dilemma in the realm of design. This article delves into the prevalence of dark patterns, the importance of ethical design principles, and serves as a guide for designers committed to creating with integrity.

The Mystery of the Dune Font

Putting a name to the typeface that defined the visual identity of the science fiction series and its author, Frank Herbert

World’s oldest unchanged brand changes logo for the first time in over 140 years

For the first time since the 1880s, the product recognized by Guinness World Records for having the world’s oldest branding and packaging is undergoing a major redesign.

Unsplash+: New Look, New Content

From highly curated to more organic UGC — Unsplash+ is home to the new look and feel that will elevate your next project. Capturing the latest trends, and reimagining popular concepts, the Unsplash+ library can help you create work that stands out to clients, coworkers, or customers.

Figma’s Config 2024

2024 will be the most exciting Config yet, with programming designed to connect a dynamic community of builders to the future of product development.

15 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Product Designers

15 of our favorite Chrome extensions — from color pickers to accessibility checkers — that will boost the efficiency of your design process.

Figma’s only interest is revenue, and it’s going to erode the design culture

Figma founders never cared about designers; they needed a use case for their real-time web-based app. That’s how it came about.

Why you think your CMS is bad — and why it might not be

A brief history of getting content onto the web and why that matters for effective content management system design and implementation.

A UX Design Dilemma: Adapt Brand Guidelines or Start Afresh?

Whilst the dream for most designers is to start a new project from scratch and have all of the creative licence and control that comes with that, this unfortunately isn’t always the case. Putting aside those fun projects that you may do when starting out (anyone else guilty of designing multiple travel and adventure apps just for fun?), a large proportion of projects will be some form of a redesign…

15 Best New Fonts, February 2024

Welcome to February’s roundup of the best new fonts for designers. This month’s compilation includes some innovative variable fonts, a handful of revivals, and some excellent options for logo designers. Enjoy!

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