Tech stories

How to cancel your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription

Suspend your Creative Cloud subscription if you have found solid Adobe app alternatives

Bard can now connect to your Google apps and services

Use Bard alongside Google apps and services, easily double-check its responses and access features in more places.

ChatGPT’s cutoff date upgraded to January 2022, knows facts it didn’t before

It appears that ChatGPT can now confirm facts that go beyond the initial September 2021 cutoff date.

Move over Photoshop! Microsoft Paint now has layers and transparency

Users will be able to manage layers, open and save transparent PNGs and “truly erase content”, replacing the eraser that paints artworks white.

How Smashing Magazine Uses TinaCMS To Manage An Editorial Workflow

In 2019, Smashing Magazine adopted a static site architecture, resulting in a 6× improvement in page speed but sacrificing some writing and editing bells and whistles that come with a bona fide content management system. Now, with the recent integration of TinaCMS, Smashing Magazine enjoys the best of both worlds — the performance benefits of static assets and the writing experience that helps streamline the editing process. This article is…

iOS 17 is available today

iOS 17 makes iPhone even more personal and intuitive with major updates to communication apps; StandBy, a new way to experience iPhone when it is charging; easier sharing with AirDrop; and more intelligent input that improves the speed and accuracy of typing. iOS 17 is available today as a free software update.

News aggregator app SmartNews’ latest feature aims to tackle doomscrolling

News aggregator SmartNews is today launching a new feature that it hopes will help to combat the anxiety associated with regularly consuming negative news — something often referred to as “doomscrolling.”

ChatGPT Isn’t Coming for Your Coding Job

New technologies have long promised to make human software engineers redundant. But developers have only gotten more important over time.

Google changes its stance on AI generated content in a new helpful content update

Google is rolling out its third iteration of the Helpful Content Update that was first introduced in August, 2022. The update’s main goal is to classify content as either “written for search engines” or “written for people”, Google does this using their own proprietary machine learning algorithms.

Apple’s joyful iOS 17 animations mesmerise iPhone fans

But there are plenty of smaller examples from across the system too. Users have noticed that Apple has injected some into every corner of iOS 17, with extra jiggles and wiggles hitting even something simple as Control Centre’s volume slider (below).

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