Tech stories

Your Google Chrome tabs are a mess — this new ‘auto organization’ tool may fix ’em for you

The search engine tech giant is reportedly working on a new experimental feature that automatically groups and categorize the plethora of tabs that overwhelm your browsing experience.    

We need to have “The Talk”

Generative AI raises legal and ethical issues for all of us

Latest Photoshop AI is truly next level, treating flat objects as layers [Video]

The feature is known as an object-aware editing engine, but colloquially referred to as Project Stardust. If it lives up to its promise, you can send the lasso tool into retirement, as it’s intended to automate the selection of image components.

Microsoft launches new web app store for Windows

Microsoft has rebuilt its web version of the Microsoft Store from the ground up with a new UI and easier ways to find apps.

Minimal Theme for LinkedIn

Clean up LinkedIn clutter & remove ads in one click

Adobe Wants 1,000 Photos of Bananas to Help Train its AI Image Generator

Adobe Stock has put a call out for 1,000 photos of bananas to help train its AI image generator — And the company is offering $60.

Gist AI Free website, YouTube, PDF summarizer, powered by ChatGPT

Unlimited, Free summaries of Websites, PDFs and YouTube videos in 30+ languages—no length restrictions. For added clarity, deep dive into the summary source or jump directly to key moments in YouTube videos. Save time and get more done with Gist AI.

Adobe teases new AI photo editing tool that will ‘revolutionize’ its products

Project Stardust’s new ‘object-aware editing engine’ can automatically identify and manipulate individual objects in images. A Magic Editor, but from Adobe.

Getty Images CEO Craig Peters has a plan to defend photography from AI

Getty’s entire brand is built on authenticity. CEO Craig Peters sat down with us at Code to talk about how the company is dealing with AI and disinformation.  

Cracking the YouTube Code: The Tricky Side of Suggestions

This clever system, based on machine learning, goes through a lot of data to create suggestions that match your interests.

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