Resources stories

Mastering Typography: 16 Font Tools for Designers

Ready to level up your typography game? We’ve got your back with our ultimate guide to font tools that’ll help you select the perfect fonts and pair them harmoniously.

Awesome Demos Roundup #24

A collection of creative code experiments from the past couple of weeks.

Speculative interfaces

Thoughts on possible interaction scenarios of the future

A typeface of extremes: Frost’s Calhern takes typographic flexibility to new cinematic heights

Inspired by the function and flair of cinema’s eclectic typographic history, British type foundry Frost’s grotesk sans serif Calhern takes typographic range to new heights; offering all the variety one might need in a single collection.

Shantell Sans – The new Comic Sans?

Shantell Sans mixes variable axes for Weight, Italic, Informality, and Bounce to deliver a wide array of font styles, from friendly, readable, everyday typographic workhorses to striking, high-energy, experimental styles meant especially for animation.

ILT’s Favorite Fonts of 2022

To keep the list manageable, we’ve limited it to just ten typefaces. There were many more great releases on ILT throughout 2022, that aren’t on this list, but rest assured, we’ll remind you about those in the coming weeks and months.

Fullscreen Clip Animation

Some inspiration for clip-path animations where a fullscreen image moves into a row/grid of smaller images, morphing its shape along the way.

eBay just created a shortcut for building accessible websites

Include is a Figma plugin that helps designers build more accessible digital tools from the start.

The next generation of AI for developers and Google Workspace

We’re bringing the power of generative AI to developers and businesses through Google Cloud and MakerSuite. And we’re introducing new AI-powered features in Google Workspace.

Naming colors in design systems

How language brings logic to a subjective topic

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