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How Entrepreneurs and Freelancers Can Grow Their Business

Everything changes. Change is the only constant in this Universe, as Heraclitus of Ephesus famously stated over 2,500 years ago. It’s intriguing how a concept so ancient still eludes many today. In the realm of business, whether as a freelancer or an entrepreneur, your primary goal should always be growth.

The Importance of Discoverability in UX Design

As UX professionals, we constantly face the challenge of making our designs intuitive and easy to use. A key aspect of this is discoverability — the extent to which users can find and understand the features and functionality of an interface.

How to Create and Sell Digital Products

As a digital entrepreneur myself, I’ve spent a good chunk of my life exploring the nooks and crannies of the digital marketplace.

Best Websites for Web Design Inspiration and Ideas

Welcome to the best websites where to find examples and ideas for web design inspiration. Use them to identify layout styles and color schemes that you like. Quickly get over creator’s block and start filling that blank page.

Top CSS Animation Libraries

CSS animation libraries offer tools to enhance web design with dynamic visual effects. From simple transitions to complex interactions, these libraries provide developers with the means to bring their projects to life. Understanding how each library functions can help you choose the right one for your needs.

How to Stay Safe When Updating WordPress

Choosing WordPress to power your website is a smart move. You’ll gain access to a world of themes, plugins, and possibilities.

Essential Photoshop Brushes for Drawing

In the realm of digital art, Photoshop brushes are the unsung heroes that bring illustrations to life. Whether you’re sketching, painting, or adding intricate details, the right brush can be a game-changer in achieving the desired effect.

Adobe Launches Paid Bug Bounty Program

As Adobe’s bug bounty programs continue to evolve, we seek to collaborate with more security researchers across the globe to help make a positive impact on securing the digital world at scale. Adobe offers two (2) bug bounty programs: a private bug bounty program, where proven hackers are offered exclusive access and incentives, and a public vulnerability disclosure program (VDP), which is open to everyone.

Mastering infrastructure for seamless product deployment

A robust and well-managed infrastructure is the backbone of a successful digital product.

3 Design Secrets for a Stunning Landing Page

Web design tips from the Daylight Computer’s viral new landing page – including tips on visual interest, cohesion, typography, copywriting, icons, and more.

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